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$1,309,536,218 returned to Idaho since 1989! VIP Club

returned to Idaho since 1989!


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Wooh Brandbook

2017 Idaho Lottery Annual Report Cover

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We want you to share the love of the Idaho Lottery. However, the Idaho Lottery brand marks are important to us and are the exclusive property of the Idaho Lottery. Use of these logos is subject to approval by the Idaho Lottery. You may not use any logos without the express written permission of the Idaho Lottery. Any unauthorized use of such content may result in criminal prosecution, civil penalties or both (now that's not fun).

If you have questions about this content, require additional brand assets, wish to schedule an interview, and/or need to talk with an Idaho Lottery press rep., email dworkman@lottery.idaho.gov
David Workman, Public Information Specialist
Idaho Lottery Marketing Division - (208) 334-2600