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$1,307,564,718 returned to Idaho since 1989! VIP Club

returned to Idaho since 1989!

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Name Price Percent Sold Top Prizes Remaining High Tier Prizes Remaining
Emerald Green $5 14.86% 2 8 [View all prizes]
Prize Remaining
$50,000 2
$1,000 6
$500 90
$100 762
$75 2088
$50 2215
$25 12895
Love Is In The Air $5 30.06% 1 4 [View all prizes]
Prize Remaining
$50,000 1
$1,000 3
$500 215
$100 927
$50 1843
$25 11041
Loteria $5 82.8% 1 1 [View all prizes]
Prize Remaining
$50,000 1
$500 2
$100 127
$60 545
$50 611
$30 2290
$25 509
Stardust Slingo $5 37.12% 1 3 [View all prizes]
Prize Remaining
$50,000 1
$1,000 2
$500 5
$100 723
$75 886
$50 2333
$30 6515
Triple 7s $5 51.95% 1 17 [View all prizes]
Prize Remaining
$77,777 1
$1,777 3
$777 13
$100 595
$77 1848
$50 1504
$25 2170
The Big Spin $5 79.14% 2 2 [View all prizes]
Prize Remaining
$79,250 2
$1,000 0
$100 354
$75 636
$50 954
$25 6640