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returned to Idaho since 1989!


Big Spin Winner from Oldtown Claims $80,000, Idaho Falls Winner Claims $70,000


BOISE, Idaho – Two Big Spin winners from two very different parts of Idaho met at Boise Towne Square on Wednesday afternoon for the chance to win up to $100,000 each! Joseph Cramer from Oldtown and Selena Rigby from Idaho Falls became the 10th and 11th people to have a turn with the Big Spin wheel during a live event.

Joe Cramer from Oldtown, Idaho, along with Selena Rigby from Idaho Falls took part in the Big Spin Event, the top prize for the second edition of the popular Scratch Game, the Big Spin. Each got a spin of the wheel. Cramer won $80,000 and Rigby won $70,000.

Joe Cramer is a life-long resident from northern Idaho. Understated but enthusiastic, Cramer works at Perfection Tire in Newport, WA, just across the Idaho border. “When I got the Big Spin wheel on the ticket, I went down to the store so I could watch the video wheel. I had a feeling it was a Big Spin. And I was right!” said Cramer. “I just had my birthday, and this is a great way to celebrate!”

Cramer purchased his winning ticket from Mobil 62512 in Oldtown.

Rigby’s “lucky, lucky day” came when she bought her ticket on a fluke at the Maverik in Rexburg while heading to St. Anthony two weeks ago. “I needed to stop and get a soda, so I thought I’d get a scratch ticket, too,” said the travel coordinator who has lived in eastern Idaho most of her life. “I’m going to be responsible with this. This is life changing and a great opportunity for me. I’m going to invest it so it starts working for me.”

The second edition of the Big Spin went on sale in late October. The game is already over 70% sold. There is one Big Spin Event winning ticket remaining in the game.


The Idaho Lottery responsibly provides a variety of entertaining games featuring Powerball, Mega Millions, Scratch GamesTM, and PullTabs with a high degree of integrity to maximize the dividend for Idaho public schools and the permanent building fund. Since their inception in 1989, the Idaho Lottery has sold over $5 billion in products, awarded more than $3.1 billion in prizes to players, returned $293 million in retail commissions, and distributed $1.1 billion in Lottery dividends to Idaho public schools and buildings. To learn more, please visit www.idaholottery.com.

CONTACT: David Workman
(208) 334-2600