Friday the 13th is $197,398 Winner's Favorite Day!
BOISE, Idaho ÔÇô Any Friday the 13th is often associated with bad luck, but for one Rockford, Washington resident, the full moon, night sky of Friday, September 13, 2019 will always be the luckiest day of her life. Dalberta Faletogo claimed a $197,398 winning ticket this morning from Idaho Lottery headquarters in Boise. She won playing the Idaho Lottery game Ultimate Diamond Jackpot from a ticket purchased at the Benewah Market in Plummer.
"Friday the 13th has always been my favorite day, but now it's true!" exclaimed Faletogo when she received her winning check at Lottery offices in Boise. "This is amazing!"
After purchasing and playing her ticket, Faletogo had the store check her ticket to see if it was indeed the jackpot prize winner. When that was confirmed, she told a friend, who didn't believe her at first. After some convincing, they headed to Boise so Faletogo could claim her winnings.
Faletogo plans to host a "mortgage burning" party and use her winnings to pay off the mortgage on her home. When she received her check, she said, "That's enough! That's wonderful."
For selling the winning ticket, Benewah Market in Plummer will receive a bonus of $19,739.
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The Idaho Lottery responsibly provides a variety of entertaining games featuring Powerball, Mega Millions, Scratch GamesTM, and PullTabs with a high degree of integrity to maximize the dividend for Idaho public schools and the permanent building fund. Since their inception in 1989, the Idaho Lottery has sold over $3.9 billion in products, awarded more than $2.4 billion in prizes to players, returned $232.6 million in retail commissions, and distributed $906 million in Lottery dividends to Idaho public schools and the Permanent Building Fund. To learn more, please visit www.idaholottery.com.
CONTACT: David Workman
(208) 334-2600