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$1,189,000,000 returned to Idaho since 1989! VIP Club

returned to Idaho since 1989!


Funded Projects

Date: March 2024

School: Ustick Elementary School

Wish Delivered: Snow equipment

Teacher Jackie Bradley says "When it snows our custodian is at our school early to get a head start on making our walkways safe. With a shovel and a small ice melt spreader he sets about his full day with our safety as a priority...The custodians at our school are amazing hard workers with a lot of responsibilities. They are usually pulled away from their list of ‘to-dos’ to help with the inevitable emergency clean up that comes with our 400 students and staff. They have a positive attitude every time!...We hope to help give “back” to our custodians by purchasing an electric snow blower, a larger salt spreader and a shovel with wheels. Having a wide snowblower and spreader will save our custodians the time and energy they need to get through a day of lists and accident clean up."

Wish Amount: $1,007.00

Date: March 2024

School: Centennial High School

Wish Delivered: Books, supplies, & camera

Teacher Katie Young says "These items will help our students retain their knowledge and ability to communicate in American Sign Language. The games are great for reviewing with partners or groups in the target language. Students will be able to record their stories in ASL using the video camera. I would like to have a Cricut machine and items to print more ASL resources that are not available online. I am in desperate need of dry markers. Crayola markers are for my use and the other dry expo markers are for the students' use. I also added a few children's books to teach Deaf culture for the students. Everything will be incorporated in American Sign Language and will be used often."

Wish Amount: $1,620.00

Date: February 2024

School: Sawtooth Elementary School

Wish Delivered: Books

Teacher Emily Stephens says "Our grade level is participating in a picture book tournament unit called March Book Madness during March and April. We will be reading 16 picture books from a variety of genres to our classes, and reviewing key reading skills during each round until we have our very own book championship! This unit gets 2nd graders enthusiastic about reading, exposes them to a variety of genres, and adds to our classroom library for years to come. The cost of books adds up, especially when multiple classrooms are needing new books!"

Wish Amount: $420.00

Date: February 2024

School: Mary McPherson Elementary

Wish Delivered: Listening center

Teacher Dusti Steiner says "My idea for this project is to create a listening center! Our reading curriculum does not have a listening component, and I would like to provide more opportunities for students to listen to stories to build comprehension. Several of my students are new to the United States this year and only speak their home language. Being able to listen to stories in Spanish or hearing my recorded voice on a Creative Tonie will give them another chance to be immersed in English. Included in my Wishlist are Tonieboxes and Tonies (audio books), headphones, headphone splitters so students can work together and listen, organizers for the headphones and Tonie supplies, as well as a laptop charging cart so students have laptops ready to go and can record themselves reading! As a new to 2nd grade teacher, this would really help my classroom and my amazing students for years to come!."

Wish Amount: $1,563.53

Date: February 2024

School: Lewis and Clark Elementary

Wish Delivered: Games, tools, supplies, and books

Teacher Emily Smith says "I am seeking support to enhance the learning environment in our newly formed developmental kindergarten classroom, which caters to a diverse group of learners. Our goal of the developmental kindergarten is to create an inclusive and stimulating space that fosters the holistic development of each child. After running this class for 5 months, we have discovered the most appropriate and useful materials and supplies... These materials will not only support the academic growth of our students but also contribute to the creation of an inclusive and nurturing environment. We believe that every child deserves the opportunity to learn and thrive, regardless of their background or abilities. The requested wishlist will directly impact the success of our developmental kindergarten program and empower our school to provide a well-rounded education to our diverse student body."

Wish Amount: $2,680

Date: February 2024

School: Shoshone Elementary

Wish Delivered: Writing Program

Teacher Jandi Platz says "This writing program will greatly impact the students in my classroom. The writing curriculum that is currently being used in the classroom is far too advanced for the level of writing that my students are at. I teach at a Title 1 school with a high ELL population. I need to be able to meet students where they are at with their writing skills and support them to develop those skills. I feel that this program will help me to do that. On the other end of the spectrum, I have some advanced writers. I can easily differentiate this program to further support their writing skills too."

Wish Amount: $1,158

Date: January 2024

School: Birch Elementary

Wish Delivered: Books

Teacher Kari Nunez says "As a fourth grade teacher, it is my job to teach students to use comprehension strategies to understand grade level text. My goal is to use highly engaging stories to make students into lifelong readers and learners. If I were to get this Wishlist fulfilled, I would share these books with the four other 4th grade teachers at my school for students to use for many years to come. I teach in a title 1 school and many students come from families where money is used to provide basic needs. Access to books is limited to what I have in my classroom and the two books that they can check out from the school library. The best part of my day is listening to students read and share their ideas about what we are reading"

Wish Amount: $1,012.80

Date: January 2024

School: Sawtooth Elementary School

Wish Delivered: Accelerated Reading Program

Teacher Mary Rios says " Creating a culture of reading in my classroom, along with the other seven educators at my school, is top priority. This program promotes the power of choice, by allowing the students to choose a book of their liking out of 220,000 different books. They can read these books at home and at school. The overall goal is to promote reading, in which they will be doing the rest of their life. This program allows students to set goals based on their current reading levels, and the students take quizzes on the books that they have read, in order to earn points."

Wish Amount: $3,217.53